Checking In, and checking in, and checking in... - January 25 - 26, 2021
So here we are in Luperon, Dominican Republic. This is a long update, but may be of interest to anyone contemplating checking in here....

Luperon, Ho! - January 24, 2021
Arrived Luperon, Dominican Republic this evening at about 7pm, having just crossed into Atlantic Standard time. So now we are an hour...

Four Alarm Passage Chili and Software Development - January 20, 2021
Our next passage, starting tomorrow afternoon, will be a relatively short one, although it will be an overnight. I prefer daytime...

Consulting and Boat Caught Wahoo - January 19, 2021
In the early 1990s, I was on a Consulting assignment in Australia in a suburban town called Pennant Hills, right outside of Sydney. We...

Conception Island - January 18, 2021
We woke up Sunday morning to the hush of having absolutely no wind or waves in the anchorage. It was very still, especially in...

Highbourne Marina to Cave Cay - January 16, 2021
After the luxury of being dockside yesterday and having a beach day and a fantastic dinner ashore, this morning we were back to business....

Arriving Highbourne Cay Marina - January 15th, 2021
This morning we moved from the outer harbor to Highbourne Cay Marina in the Exuma islands of the Bahamas. We don’t normally stop at...

Sandy Cay Spin Cycle - January 14, 2021
We arrived Sandy Cay last night after motoring for about 7 hours and came in to the anchorage after dark using our big spotlight. The...

A Month on the Thorny Path, and Boas (yes, the snake)... - January 11, 2021
We are officially on our month long passage from Florida to the Virgin Islands. The last time we made this trek (affectionately known...

Ft Lauderdale to Bahamas! - Sunday January 9th, 2021
As we begin our passage from the states back to the Virgin Islands it’s time to break out the old blog again. We left Fort Lauderdale...